Sunday, August 26, 2012

Late as usual.

Eid Mubarak!

Finally back after Ramadan and a prolonged eid vacation.

To recap what happened during this leave:
-Saw Sudan snubbed by the coverage at the Olympics{Opening ceremony}.
 -Was ashamed at the number and level of athletes representing Sudan at the Olympics.
-The GOS and GOSS are still dithering about reaching an agreement.

-The prime minister of Ethiopia is dead.

-A plane full of government officials crashed and apparently was not supposed to be in the air as it was classified as unsafe.

-The US is dangling the prize of normalized relations in front of the GOS for their cooperation in who knows what.

-Had some fantastic coffee from some great tea ladies.

-Visited more family than everyone you know on facebook.

-Was stunned {like every other Sudanese} at the astronomical increase in commodity prices.

-Seriously considered jumping ship and taking my family out of this country to anywhere where the economy makes sense.

-Overheard NGO workers discuss rentals and actually felt sorry for them{lol}.

-Watching Barney dubbed in Arabic I concluded that the purple asshole is the antichrist.

-Enjoyed fantastic meals with family and friends.

-Lost considerable pleasure in said meals after reflecting on how hard so many people are having it this year.

-Witnessed a disturbed beggar body slam a 6 year old who he mistakenly thought was one of the kids who were taunting him in front of a pastry shop.

-Participated in street justice and helped beat said disturbed beggar.

-Felt dirty and ashamed and angry after realizing the beggar was not in his right mind. Still seeing him body slam the child was traumatising.Thankfully the child was fine {and later enthusiastically pelted his assailant with rocks}.

-Felt ashamed and sad that some stale baklava and spare change being threatened could cause someone so much mental anguish.

-Was touched by the outpouring of generosity I saw so many people display in Ramadan.

-Enjoyed my immediate and extended family and appreciate them more than ever.

Will try and post a coherent post soon.