Friday, October 25, 2013

Bashir in Juba on 23rd Oct

The first signs we had of an impending visit was seeing women sweeping the sand/dust off the sides of the roads. Every time this happens we know that a ‘high level visitor’ is to be expected, since that’s the only time we bother, and it’s never announced before

But seriously, road closures, soldiers and police on every street corner, heavy guns in evidence everywhere, people just pissed cause- shit its bashir wtf… is it really worth it? They came, they talked and didn’t resolve the most important issue at the moment – the Abyei referendum (the end of October is just around the corner and statements have been made about holding the referendum before the end of this month!).  They’ve been talking for how long now?  Calling each other ‘my brother’- really??? -and ‘our neighbours’  and etc.  

I don’t think our issues will be resolved anytime soon- maybe we should stop wasting time and money in all this shuttle diplomacy.