Wednesday, October 12, 2016

South Sudanese who support D.Trump and the GoP

I guess i was very surprised to learn that there are Junubin who think Trump is actually i credible candidate, or that the republican party remains one we can/should even support.
I believe we all need to take a long hard look at what exactly we are showing support for- especially those of us who respect the rights of women, the freedom of the press, democratic institutions, social welfare and rule of law. So, the short answer is no, you should not be supportive of Mr Trump - and in this day and age, you should be taking a long hard look at your support of the republican party as well. Many of us associate the GoP with the CPA, and this is understandable. But the party has changed significantly, since 2005. This current version would not have allowed in refugees into the country, most likely would not have engaged in the negotiations for the CPA, and will certainly not be acting to your interest in future. This is especially for those of us who do have the right to vote, in the presidential elections in America.

The long answer is this post i wrote in response to a discussion on this with a friend; So, here are my reasons not to show support the GoP

i never actually thought i would have to explain why i find donald indefensible and repulsive- i thought it was pretty self evident (unless you part of the alt-right white supremacy movement). but apparently, i have to justify why i don't think anyone i know should be supporting him. i typed out this entire thing in response to someone else- but i am going to post this here; because this is the last time i am talking about it and the last time i am posting about trump. there are far more crucial things id rather have on my fb page. (and yes, this is also the reason i have been posting all these articles about the donald, hoping that perhaps this will change the minds of the stragglers among us.)

"“We take positions guided by interests and what matters in our lives”

yes, we do, and we should.

I choose to surround myself with friends who take positions that are defensible, even when I disagree with them. i think debate is healthy, disagreements make us better. But this man is indefensible.

Back when he started out by calling Mexicans rapists…I’ve been to Mexico twice, I’ve traveled in Mexico (the yucatan province- probably my favourite place) by myself - this is a huge insult. I’ve been around Mexican ‘illegals’ here in America- it is insulting to call people who are paying taxes, working at jobs to make a better reality for their families, who are contributing significantly to the economy of this country, who have children in schools and colleges- to call them rapists? I was very clear on where I draw the line on this. And no, saying, ‘and some of them are good people', does not minimize it. To say, most of them are good people, would be far more accurate. Remember that they are being called rapists because they are immigrants, the seek a better life for their family.. and think about the fact that majority of us have been immigrants all our lives. Words have consequences.

I will not support anyone who thinks that refugees do not deserve a safe haven –and especially knowing how difficult America makes it for refugees to come here- because there is a two year vetting process- this is someone who would have turned away the Lost Boys of Sudan, who will turn away, primarily women and children. My family came to america as refugees, in the 90s, my grandfather sought refuge in kenya in the late 50s. I have great empathy for people fleeing conflict. It is not acceptable to stoke the winds of islamophobia- you can deal with the threat of terrorism without targeting religious beliefs. i am an atheist, but i strongly are against any attempts to promote this. The result of this is that anyone who wears a hijab, for example, is deemed a threat, and insulted. I have friends who wear hijab, and my principles find this indefensible.

As someone who supports women’s reproductive health rights, I find it indefensible to defund the biggest provider of reproductive health services to poor women. Republicans have been doing this all across the states they govern. As someone who has defended the right of a woman to make a decision, even vis a vis abortion and contraception, I fully support Roe v Wade, and I want to see the end of the Hyde amendment, which restricts poor women’s access to safe abortion. I am aware of the consequences of restricting abortion - the results are detrimental. Restricting abortion goes right along with restricting contraceptive access, while all the research shows that increasing access to abortion results in an increase in contraceptive rate and a decrease in abortions. I support evidence-based decision making, not the ‘morality police’ which does nothing except seek to regulate women's uteri. I also find it indefensible to support a party that has spent the past decades making it increasingly difficult for women to access their reproductive health rights. I remember very well when the U.S refused to fund UNFPA, which resulted in lack of money for contraceptives for the developing world, and also the lack of funding for organizations that do not preach abstinence only under Bush- it is very possible that returning the GoP into the presidency will be a return to this (this is what they have been doing for the past 8 years). it was Obama who got rid of all this- one of the first things he did on taking office.

I will not respect someone who thinks blacks have nothing to lose, who thinks blacks are nothing but poor, uneducated people who live in crime ridden neighbourhoods- the vast majority of us do not. To talk about black people as a monolith, is to spread the stereotypes that already exist in this society. It is indefensible to support someone whose supporters routinely launch racist attacks and diatribes against black folk- I’ve seen the pictures of protesters being beaten by his supporters, I’ve been called names on twitter that are nothing short of racist, I’ve seen how they talk about the Obama’s (pictures of them as gorillas??) because donald coddles up to neo-Nazis and the ku klux klan, or the white-washed name they now go under- the alt-right. I don’t support racists.

I will not respect someone who thinks countries should have nuclear weapons- including North Korea, Saudi Arabia- I actually care about humanity- I don’t believe in nuclear proliferation and still wish Obama had been able to reduce the number of nuclear weapons America holds, as he had planned to do. I’ve watched this congress work hard to stop him from doing anything, as the republican party openly said when he took office, ‘we will oppose anything he proposes so that he will be a one-term president’. Why? Because he is a black man- which is why they have also been questioning his Americanism- with donald leading the birtherism movement, and refusing to apologize for denigrating the president for over 5 years.

I will not support anyone who thinks climate change is a hoax, and so we should get rid of the environmental protection agency, and do nothing about climate change mitigation. I may want to have children in future, and i would want to see them have a viable future. This is indefensible. To not have a climate mitigation strategy, at a time when all the signs show that we might be reaching the carbon tipping point? I believe the scientists, not the republican party of ignorance and lobbyists.

It is indefensible to support someone who cozies up to dictators and brutal regimes, including Kim Jong Un’s N. Korea. Someone who does not seem to care for the freedom of the press- has routinely threatened reporters and the media, has barred journalists from covering his events, and wants to open up libel laws- which will put restrictions on the press. No wonder he supports brutal regimes.

Someone who thinks it’s okay to casually talk about assassination of his opponent by ‘2nd amendment folk’. And yesterday, thinks its okay to jail someone at his command, should he have his way. But this is not surprising, he does not respect the judicial process, either. He called for the death penalty for 5 young boys who then spent 12 years in jail, before DNA evidence found that they were innocent- and yet this man is still saying they are guilty, as of last week, because in his mind, they are. He does not even have the decency to see how wrong it was for young boys to be wrongly imprisoned for 12 years? That’s inhumane.

It is indefensible to respect someone who will question a judge’s credentials because they have immigrant parents, not their actual qualifications. I am an immigrant, too- to support this will be to allow the same to be done to me. And all this because he is currently on trial for fraud? For claiming to run a university and defrauding thousands? apparently he does not think rules apply to him.

Someone who doesn’t support the electoral process, because if he does not win it will have been rigged so let’s have a ‘revolution’ gun owners, and who is part of a party that has been suppressing and denying the right to vote to black folk - including in north Carolina, which a judge called a ‘clinical and surgical attempt’ at making it harder for black people and poor people to vote.

I’ve spent the past 2 years in this country watching black men be stopped and shot by the police for no reason other than they are black (including children, btw, not just adult men), no respect for due process and everyone gets away scott free- and yet this man wants to continue the very policies that allow for such things to happen- stop and frisk- which was deemed unconstitutional. I have nephews in America, who are young men and who are at risk every time they leave the house, of being murdered in the streets, because implicit bias by the police results in their being viewed as a threat. Anyone who thinks there is nothing wrong with policing in minority and poor neighbourhoods, despite the department of justice saying there is- all they are doing is viewing young kids as thugs and that is indefensible.

And lastly, anyone who thinks casually talking about sexually assaulting women (just ‘grab them by the pussy’- his words, not mine), someone who is okay with his own daughter being called a ‘piece of ass’ by another man, who thinks it’s okay to call women pigs, and she has ‘blood coming out of her wherever’, because Megan Kelly, whom I don’t even like, dared to question his record with women, any man who waves this away as ‘locker room talk’, I don’t believe this is someone who, as a woman, has my own interests and humanity at heart, either. I expect men to check anyone who talks like this, to be insulted on behalf of women, when they hear talk like this. not to say, oh, but I still support this man. This is not locker room talk, Anderson Cooper was right to call it a description of sexual assault.

now, maybe you can say, but he has policies…. No he does not. No policy on climate change because it is a hoax. Immigration- deport them all, let’s have a deportation force, including children who were born here and are Americans according to the constitution, ban all muslims ‘complete and total shut down’, extreme vetting-whatever that means, lets institute a religious test- this is unconstitutional. These are not policies, this is encouraging xenophobia.

His economic policies will add 5 trillion dollars to the debt and provide tax relief to the wealthy and to corporations (I am not a millionaire, so I don’t count). This is what every credible economist is saying. And, he has not paid taxes- I have paid taxes since I first got here in 2000, including the 5 years I was working in south sudan. He on the other hand? Has lost billions and considers this good business practice because it resulted in him not paying taxes and bilking the system- he often talks about creating jobs- he wont tell us how, manufacturing is not coming back to the u.s., protectionist policies do nothing to increase trade, that’s not how economics works. When I look at economic policies of the past presidencies- I see that under republicans, the wealthy got wealthier, we got into a recession that we are still working up from, millions lost their jobs since 2007/8 (I was in NYC when Lehman collapsed)… etc. No serious economist believes that further reducing taxes (which is how we pay for social welfare policies including education, which i am strongly supportive of) = boosting the economy.

His education policy is charter schools, not public schools- the majority of poor people do not have access to charter schools- you don’t fix education by reducing money for the public school system. My own family has been a victim of the poor and unequal education system in America- this is the number one reason poverty is now inter-generational, in my opinion. I want to see this fixed, not worsened.

He plans to defund planned parenthood- this is his reproductive health policy- to reduce access for poor women. He will repeal the affordable care act-ACA- I get my health insurance because of Obamacare- it needs to be fixed, not repealed, the republicans have had 8 years to come up with an alternative- the most ‘comprehensive’ was paul ryan’s- I read it, it didn’t say anything except, we can do it better, but what exactly? We know the issues with ACA, we know the solutions. We’ve also seen congress do everything to ensure that health insurance for millions becomes a failure-instead of working to actually expand coverage. This is just inhumane. Don’t people have a right to health-care? Shouldn’t governments spend money on ensuring their populace have healthcare?

His foreign policy is build a wall. That’s about it.

Oh, and ‘I will defeat ISIS bigly or big league, but how is a secret, I cant tell you.’ And then the other day he says he will instruct generals to come up with a plan, suggesting that he actually has no plan. And not only that, apparently everyone else is stupid and doesn’t know what they are doing- only he can fix it. This is just chilling.

He has changed his mind every single time any of his policies have been brought up, including last night, because apparently he has no grasp of actual policy issues- he seems to think dragging people in the mud along with him is talking about policy issues (just last week he was urging us to watch a sex tape- really??) And I could go on, but almost every conservative newspaper that has refused to endorse this man explains why, much better than I could have.

So, yes, I have looked at Donald Trump’s ‘policies’. I have listened to what he has to say, I have been repelled by his policies and personally by his behaviour on this campaign trail, and now that his sordid past is emerging, by his behaviour as a 59 year old manchild. He is indefensible, we should all draw the line.

I have already had this discussion with two people - south sudanese seem to have a blind allegiance to the republican party- I get it, but this is not the same party that supported our efforts for sovereignty- it’s been 8 years of tea party politics. And this has been detrimental, especially to the poor and to women. We need to do better.

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