Thursday, January 30, 2014

How can we call this a cessation of hostilities?

When there are reports like…

25th Jan: Fighting in and around Awerial
26th Jan:  Fighting in Awerial County in Kalthok. Rebel troops heading north to join forces in Unity state and using civilians as a shield.

23rd Jan: Government forces steal sorghum from WFP warehouse
25th -27th Jan:  Heavy fighting around Thar Jath. Government forces pushing rebel forces towards Leer, civilians caught in the cross-fire.
28th Jan: Heavy shelling in Leer by government forces 

26th Jan: 40 minutes shooting in the barracks of New Site - apparently by drunken soldiers firing into the air.

26th Jan: Government forces attack rebel forces in Matiang 
27th Jan: Jalle and Kolmerek changes hands between rebel forces and government forces.

Upper Nile 
25th Jan:  Government forces attack Obel, south of Malakal. Rebels capture Doleib Hill.
27th Jan:  Shilluk replace the Nuer governor with a Shilluk governor

In the middle of all this are the very civilians whose lives we want to protect. What is the meaning of a ceasefire agreement that neither side respects?  What then will be the point of starting political dialogue Feb 7th when our people are still dying and are afraid to go home? I mean, even with reports of Juba being safe – we still have a significant population of South Sudanese afraid to go home, because they are certain they will be killed. We are letting down our own selves.

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